*Brainspirations is a heartfelt series by Jason, designed to share the roller-coaster of emotions and insights he gathers on his healing journey. It's about fostering a community of support and introspection to help everyone navigate through life's uncertainties.
Here’s a little slice of my reality, hoping it resonates and empowers you. ❤️ power-up!
🧠 Quick update on the personal front: I hit a small pause on my chemo journey due to a slight dip in my white blood count. With the pandemic still being a companion, the doctors are treading with added caution. It’s nothing alarming, and I’m riding high on vitality! A blood test is on the horizon, and I’m optimistic about resuming the chemo saga. The zaps continue, and my spirit is as fiery as ever!
Now, onto the musings of my heart...
Have you ever marveled at the spectacle of rainbows that often grace the skies post a tempest? Sometimes, if luck would have it, a double rainbow! Could they be more than mere reflections of light through droplets of rain?
Life, in its essence, is a medley of storms. But how often do we pause to appreciate the calm, the beauty that follows the uproar? How often are we ensnared by the storm, yearning for a wand of magic to whisk it away?
The clouds of fear and drama often loom large, almost becoming a perpetual storm overshadowing the beauty and love that incessantly knock at our hearts.
Don’t get entrapped in this illusion! Life isn’t about hopping from one storm to another. It’s daunting when we feel shackled amidst turbulent times, almost as if life is a series of relentless storms. Here’s a whimsical thought - could a shift in focus change the narrative? I firmly believe our focus molds our reality. With a dash of awareness and a sprinkle of practice, perhaps we can not just weather the storm, but bask in the rainbows that follow.
When the downpour of life seems endless, hit pause. Inhale the essence of life, reconnect with your core, evaluate your focal point – is it serving you well? If not, perhaps it’s time to steer your ship towards uncharted, serene waters. The realm of possibilities is boundless, and remember, every tradition was once a novelty.
Fear not, the storm shall pass. The umbrella that shields you now won’t be a companion forever, but a shift in perspective might just be. Lift your eyes, embrace the love that beckons, the answers you seek are not in the distant horizon, but right before you, waiting to be seen.
May your voyage through the storms be safe, your courage steadfast, and your heart brimming with love.
Your outpour of positive vibes is a treasure! Thank you!
Sending waves of love to every heart reading this!
With heartfelt gratitude and love,