*Brainspirations is a heartfelt series by Jason, designed to share the roller-coaster of emotions and insights he gathers on his healing journey. It's about fostering a community of support and introspection to help everyone navigate through life's uncertainties.
❤️ Hope this reaches YOU, and provides the power-up needed.
🧠 Quick Update: It's celebration time - the MRI scans are clear! Onwards on this journey with six months of weekly chemo and Optune. It's a fresh start to continue kicking cancer's butt!
What have I been pondering on?
Our minds are fertile grounds for stories, especially the dramatic ones laden with fear. It's a human thing, filling the unknown with narratives, albeit false. They're made up of bits of fear, insecurities, and past experiences that don't necessarily predict the present or future.
Driving to the MRI, every mile added a line to the fear-driven story in my head. Every step towards the hospital, every preparation for the scan, added layers to the imaginary drama. But the moment I lay on that MRI table, a calm washed over me. Why? Because at that point, I knew what was next. I had been here before. The unknown became known, stripping fear of its power.
What if we applied this knowing to our daily lives? When fear starts scripting a horror story in your mind, halt! You've faced worse, you've come through, and most times, the reality wasn't as horrifying as your mind had painted.
We often mistake fleeting, fear-driven thoughts for deep thinking. They're not. They're just fear trying to drive your narrative, taking you on a detour from reality.
Don't let fear narrate your story. Wait for reality to unfold, and if it needs editing, you have the power to rewrite it. Love stands by, assuring you that whatever the chapter, you'll come through. You got this!
Thank you for the continued good vibes! ❤️🙏❤️
Much love to you all! ❤️